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Cub Scout Pack 3449
(Overland Park, Kansas)
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The answers to some frequently asked questions about Cub Scouts are listed below. If this page does not answer your questions we encourage you to use the "Contact Our Pack" link above for more information.
What Is Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting is a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young boys and their parents. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide boys through the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Through positive peer group interaction and parental guidance, boys also learn honesty, bravery, and respect. Family involvement is an essential part of Cub Scouting, and parents are encouraged to play an active role in the program. Through interaction between parents, leaders, and friends, boys learn citizenship, compassion, and courage. This family- and community-centered approach to learning means that Cub Scouting is truly time well-spent.
Are Cub Scouts the same as Boy Scouts?
Cub Scouts is a program of Boy Scouts of America—so in that sense, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are both members of the same organization. However, they are entirely different programs: Cub Scouts is a family-oriented program designed specifically to address the needs of younger boys in 1st through 5th grade. The Boy Scout program begins when boys bridge from Cub Scouts (entering 6th grade or age 11).
What are the responsibilities of a parent?
Every parent is encouraged to use their talents to help the pack in whatever way they are comfortable. Parents can become Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, committee members, organize an event, or volunteer to help set up and clean up events. Parents can arrange for tours of their places of work, or help scouts learn about a hobby of theirs (such as wildlife watching). There are lots of big and small ways to become involved.
What are the age requirements to join Cub Scouts? 
Boys can join Cub Scouts as early as June 1 of the summer before entering 1st grade. They will be assigned to dens with similar aged boys as follows: Tiger (entering 1st grade), Wolf (entering 2nd grade), Bear (entering 3rd grade), Webelos (entering 4th grade), and Arrow of Light (entering 5th grade). Boys who are older than 10 or who have completed the 5th grade cannot join Cub Scouts, but they may be eligible to join a Boy Scout troop or Venturing crew.
What is a den and what is a pack?
A den is a group of 6-10 Cub Scouts in the same school grade. The dens are: Tiger (1st grade), Wolf (2nd grade), Bear (3rd grade), Webelos (4th grade), and Arrow of Light (5th grade). A pack is all the Cub Scouts in all of the dens.
How often do Cub Scouts meet?
Pack 374 meets every Tuesday evening. Cub Scouts meet in their dens three times a month, and a pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families on the last Tuesday of the month. Beyond that, a den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum, in place of or in addition to one of the weekly meetings. Den leaders coordinate scheduling special events with parents so as many scouts as possible can participate.
What supplies and equipment are needed to participate in Cub Scouting?
At minimum, each boy in Cub Scouting will need a uniform and a handbook. Each year, the handbook changes, as does the cap and neckerchief, but other uniform parts remain the same for the first three years (Tiger, Wolf, and Bear). When a boy enters a Webelos den, he will need to obtain a tan and olive green uniform. Click the "Uniforms" link on the left for the specific uniforms used in our pack.

Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities, such as hiking or camping.
Do Cub Scouts go camping?
Yes, but they ease into it. Organized camping is a creative, educational experience in cooperative group living in the outdoors. It uses the natural surroundings to contribute to physical, mental, spiritual, and social growth.

Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts can go camping on pack overnighters. Each Cub Scout camps with his parent or guardian. Cub Scouts' brothers and sisters can even go on these pack overnighters. Every young camper (scout and/or sibling) is responsible to a specific adult.

Webelos dens go on overnight campouts. Each Webelos Scout camps with his parent or guardian. The campers learn the basics of Boy Scout camping, under the direction of the Webelos den leader. Webelos dens may also have joint overnight campouts with a Boy Scout troop. Each Webelos Scout has a parent or guardian with him on these joint campouts, too.
Do I have to be a member of a certain religion to join?
No. The Boy Scouts of America has always held steadfastly to the principle, embodied in the Scout Oath, that a Scout has a duty to God. The BSA does not promote any specific religion, and has always embraced all faiths. We do encourage youth members and their families to be active in their own faith.

It naturally follows that the leadership for your son's spiritual development, both within and outside Cub Scouting, must come primarily from your home and your family's religious leaders. Your son will look to you as his example of how to learn and perform his duty to God.
How much does it cost?
The annual dues are similar to playing one youth sport for one season. The exact cost for registration, dues, awards, and supplies varies based on each year's budget, and the cost is prorated depending on the time of year that a boy joins the pack. There may also be additional, optional events that have separate costs associated with them. Many of these costs can be offset with fund raising activities, potentially making the out-of-pocket expense negligible. When compared with other youth activities in our community, scouting is extremely economical and the benefits provided, both material and personal, far exceed the monetary cost. If a family has a financial hardship regarding the payment of registration, dues, or camping fees, there is assistance available. No boy will ever be denied the Scouting experience for financial reasons.