Please remember the following when on Fort or Town Duty: - Please smile at all times and keep hands out of your pockets.
- No chewing gum.
- Do not play with the counter / clicker
- No leaning against a wall or post. (IE.. Stand straight, in an "At Ease" position.)
- Have a watch so that you know when the next Fort or Town demonstrations are going to be.
- Bring your Mackinac Island Guidebook, so that you can assist visitors with directions and or historical details about the Island.
- Be on the lookout for visitors that need assistance with:
- Taking pictures. (If you see a mom or dad taking a picture of their family, offer to take the picture for them so that they can be in the picture.
- Strollers / Wheelchairs - Oftentimes, visitors need assistance getting strollers through gates or up stairs. Offer to help.
- Directions to bathrooms, other locations, where to buy tickets, etc.
- Know where the bathrooms are from where you are stationed so that you can assist visitors.
- If you see litter near where you are stationed, please pick it up.
- If a State Guide or Historical Interpreter is at the location where you are stationed, be sure to introduce yourself.
- Know the specific duties for the position you are posted at. You may be asked to keep visitors off of hills or ledges, open handicap entrances, keep areas clean and organized, or etc.
- Try to drink more water before duty and less Kool-aid / Lemon drink. (Stay hydrated.)
- Most important... SMILE and HAVE FUN! :)