For a century, Girl Scouts has been providing an opportunity for girls in grades K-12 to develop new skills, talents and friendships through troop activities, camps and more. The girls learn about leadership, build confidence and character, and take action in their communities.
You probably know that Girl Scouts earn badges, go camping and sell cookies. They also do a lot more. They participate in community projects that help improve their neighborhoods and protect the planet. Girl Scouts take part in unique science experiments and establish sports clinics. They camp, hike, draw, paint, cook and sew.
So you want to be a Girl Scout?
You will need your parent or guardian to fill out the following paperwork:
Girl Registration Form (must pay the $25.00 annual registration fee)
Health History Form
So How Do You Become A Volunteer?
Whether you want to be a Troop Leader, Assistant Troop Leader, help out at meeting or be a driver for a troop
you must fill out the following paperwork:
Adult Registration Form (must pay the $25.00 annual registration fee)
Volunteer Application which includes the Background Information Form
Contact our Troop for more information about joining!
Girl Scouts USA (national website)