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Cub Scout Pack 43
(Sparks, Nevada)
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Changing to Scoutbook

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Pack 43 Annual Calendar

Covid-19 does not keep our Pack down! We still do a lot of events throughout the year, safety always in mind. Hiking, camping, arts and crafts, outside den meetings, STEM activities, and more!

Here are the upcoming 2020 Fall events:

Upcoming September Events

Sept 7 - Digital Den Meeting – catch up on those lastrequirements! 6:30pm

Sept 8 - Den Leader Meeting – 6:30pm, locationTBD

Sept 12 - onlineSaturday event: FamilyFun Fest, open to ALL through Facebook

Sept 13 - Sunday HikeQuailRun Trail, Bartley Ranch, 11am

Sept 14 – In-personDen Meeting at 6:30pm, SUMC picnic area

Sept21- Pack Games & Awards Night – 6:30pm, SUMC picnic area

Sept26- Saturday event: STEM Night - “Light the Night”

Sept28- In-person Den Meetings at 6:30pm, SUMCpicnic area


* SUMC = Sparks United MethodistChurch, where we hold our Den and Pack Activities


UpcomingOct-Nov Events

Oct5- RecruitNight!  6:30pm, SUMC picnicarea

Oct12- Raingutter Regatta Boat Build at 6:30pm,SUMC picnic area

Oct19- Raingutter Regatta Boat Race at 6:30pm,SUMC picnic area

Oct 17 - STEM Night - “Chemical Reactions”, **location TBD

Oct 23 - "Great ScoutingScavenger Hunt" - put on by our District

Oct24 - Cub Scout Adventure Day - taking place at different businesses inthe area, this pairs with the Scavenger Hunt

Oct 25 - Take a Hikepetroglyphs!Location info to be added.

Oct 26 - BoxCar Derby at 6:30pm, SUMC picnic area

Nov 2 - Bobcat Rank Ceremony and Awards Night



* SUMC = Sparks United MethodistChurch, where we hold our Den and Pack Activities