Troop 4010's
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Boy Scout Troop 4010
(Clarksville, Indiana)
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Dear Parents

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 4010!

Troop 4010 relies on parents and volunteers to carryout it's program and goals.  Here, we have a very impressive program and with very high goals. All of what we do requires strong parental support of the men and women who have agreed to lead our Troop as Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmastersor Committee members.  

By parents providing the following items, Troop 4010 will continue to function as one of the top troops in the Lincoln Heritage Council.

Parents are encouraged to support their sons by:

  1. Attending the monthly parent committee meeting which are always held on the first Monday of every month from 7:00pm – 8:30pm.
  2. Seeing that the Scout attends at least half of the troop meeting and campouts.
  3. Helping during troop fundraisers (Thunder Parking & Lanesville Heritage Weekend).  Scouts must work the Lanesville fundraiser & thunder to receive the benefits from the troop.
  4. Helping with transportation for campouts and troop events.
  5. Keeping tabs on monthly dues each month.
  6. Taking an interest and encouraging your scout in advancement.
  7. Taking advantage of summer camp / big trip informational meetings.

The degree of your commitment to the above & your support to the troop & parent committee will directly reflect upon the satisfaction your son gains from his years of scouting with us. 

Thank you,

Scout Master 4010


Dear Scout

Welcome to Troop 4010!

Whether you are a first time Boy Scout or continuing your journey in Scouting, we hope you have an exciting time while being a proud member of Troop 4010.

To get started, you'll want to:
  1. Fill out the BSA application form, BSA Health form (scroll down at the bottom of page for correct form) troop dues, etc.
  2. Get the uniform (see details under attachment below)
  3. Get the handbook (see details below and additional details here)
  4. Familiarize yourself with your Troop
  5. Start on the initial Scout Rank requirement

With your initial membership & dues to the troop you will be given below:  Please email Troop 4010 Scoutmaster or troop 4010 Treasure for more spesific information


  •  Supplemental Insurance on Scout outings
  •  An official Boy Scout stave (issued on the first campout)
  • A Troop 4010 T-shirt
  •  A Troop 4010 neckerchief
  • A Troop 4010 rope suitable for knots and lashings


Click here for additional helpful information for troop 4010 scouts

Icon File Name Comment  
Boy Scout Uniform.pdf Please check with Scout Master for more specific needs  
troop position responsobility.pdf Example: Troop Positions of Responsibility/Calibrate with your SM for your specific responsibilities