Pack 3049's
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Cub Scout Pack 3049
(Holland, Michigan)
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Don't give these Kernels too much heat or you'll get burned! :)  Serious thanks to these Ladies for taking on the challenge AS A TEAM to help the success of our Pack Popcorn Sales.  It takes the efforts of all the Parents leading their Scouts as well as the Kernels so we, the Pack can raise the necessary funds to deliver a great program to our Kids!!  Thanks to all in advance of the Popcorn Sale!! 

Below information needs updating for 20XX

The information listed here is currently being updated for the fall 20XX Popcorn Events.

Stay tuned for updates!

Popcorn Sales Goals
Pack goal/scout - $XXX
You are also encouraged to set a personal goal, regardless of Pack goal!

Important Dates!


The annual popcorn fundraiser raises money that covers 75% of our annual budget!  The money helps to pay for all of our activities, awards, dinners, and more.  What's more, the fundraiser gives our Cub Scouts a chance to learn, develop, and use communication skills that will help them for rest of their life.  As a parent do your best to get your Cub Scout motivated to sell popcorn and support PACK 3049.


How to sign up for Online Selling

1.  Go to to sign in or create an account.

2.  Go to the Send Emails page to create your own Scout image and choose your email template.

3.  Start by sending emails to 10 friends and family about supporting your Scouting activities.