Troop 101's
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Boy Scout Troop 101
(Jacksonville, Florida)
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Our Start

In 1992, Christ's Church formed Cub Scout Pack 101. As the pack's Webelos graduated, they needed a troop to continue on in scouting. In light of this need, Mr. Roger O’Connor and Mr. Robby Beauchamp approached the Charter Representative for the pack, Mr. Gary Brown, about the church sponsoring a Troop. Through the efforts of Mr. O’Connor, Mr. Beauchamp, Mr. Brown, and the lead Pastor of Christ’s Church, Mr. Dennis Bratton (now retired), Troop 101 was formed in 1998. In 2016, the Charter Organization changed to Mandarin Lutheran Church.

Founding Families

Roger and Barbara O'Connor Scoutmaster (Eagle Scout), Committee Member
Robby and Jan Beauchamp Committee Chairman, Committee Member
Mark and Cindy Coughlin Asst. Scoutmaster, Committee Member
Bill and Cathy Eldridge Asst. Scoutmaster, Committee Member
Ed and Helen Kehrt Asst. Scoutmaster, Treasurer
Mike and Debbie Kennedy Asst. Scoutmaster (Eagle Scout), Committee Member
Terry Landers Advancement Chairperson
Ken Mong Asst. Scoutmaster
John and Cindy O’Connor Committee Member, Committee Member
Karen Sayre Committee Member

Founding Scouts

David Beauchamp Eagle Scout
Taylor Coughlin Eagle Scout
Robby Dabon
Buck Eldridge Eagle Scout
Travis Gorsage
Greg Heffner Eagle Scout
Donald Kehrt Eagle Scout
Steven Kennedy Eagle Scout
Sean Kennedy Eagle Scout
Justin Kneubal
Patrick Landers Eagle Scout
Aaron Mong
Alex O’Connor Eagle Scout
Brandon O’Connor Eagle Scout
Arthur Rahmes
Kyle Sayre Eagle Scout
Jonathan Simms
Jon Weurdeman Eagle Scout


Troop 101’s first Scoutmaster was Mr. Roger O’Connor. Following Mr. O’Connor’s retirement in 2010, Mr. Walter Carter became the second Scoutmaster of Troop 101. Mr. Carter had served as the Pack Cubmaster for 5 years prior to moving to Troop 101 as an assistant scoutmaster in 2008. Following Mr. Carter’s retirement in 2017, Mr. Jay Hooper became the third Scoutmaster.  Troop 101 has served hundreds of boys during its short existence and has also produced more than 78 Eagle Scouts.