Pack 212's
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Cub Scout Pack 212
(Columbus, Nebraska)
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About Us

Pack 212 was officially formed in October 1944 under the direction of Cubmaster L.H. Lundin at the Federated Church at 2710 15th St, Columbus, NE in the Cover Wagon Council. In 1948 Pack 212 was named part of the Petah-La-Shauro District of the Cover Wagon Council. The Mid-America Council was formed from a merger of the Covered Wagon Council and the Southwest Iowa Council in 1965. In 1978 the Pack started meeting at its current location at the First United Methodist Church at 2710 14th St, Columbus, NE. In 2018 it was decided to move the Pack Meetings to the First United Methodist Church Outreach Center at 3602 16th St, Columbus, NE.  Some of the members of the Pack grew to be Fire Fighters, Business Owners, and leaders of different organizations in Nebraska and throughout the world. 

For more information on our history or to join our Pack please fill out the application below and send an email to or you can go to and fill out the application online.

Icon File Name Comment  
524-406.PDF Youth Application  
524-501.PDF Adult Application  
Parent Information Guide.pdf Parent Information Guide  

Our Dens

Cubscouts are for children entering kindergarten through fifth grade. Pack 212 has the following dens/ranks:
  1. Lion Den (Kindergarten)
  2. Bobcat (All youth beginning in first grade will first work on their Bobcat badge to complete the Cub Scout joining requirements, which include knowing and reciting the Scout Oath and Scout Law and knowing the Cub Scout motto and salute. Once the Bobcat badge requirements have been completed, the Cub Scout will continue with the age appropriate program.
  3. Tiger Den (First Grade)
  4. Wolf Den (Second Grade)
  5. Bear Den (Third Grade)
  6. Webelos Den (Fourth and Fifth Grade)
  7. Arrow Of Light (Highest Rank a Cubscout can earn. If joining in Fifth grade may complete this after Bobcat)