Pack 67's
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Cub Scout Pack 67
(Charlotte, North Carolina)
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Protecting our children is the highest priority of everyone within Pack 67, and The Boy Scouts of America.

We require all of our leaders to take the Youth Protection Training Course, which is available for free on the BSA Website. Parents are encouraged to take this course. 

How can parents help protect their children?

Parents participate in the protection of their children in a variety of ways. BSA recognizes the need for open lines of communication so that children are encouraged to bring any troubles to their parents for advice and counsel. In addition, parents need to be involved in their scouts' Scouting activities. All parents receive important information concerning the Scouting program as part of their scouts' membership applications. This information is provided so that parents can detect any deviations from the BSA's approved program. If any deviations are noted, parents should call these to the attention of the chartered organization or the unit committee. If the problems persist, parents should contact the local council for assistance.

Parents also need to review the booklet, "How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse and Drug Abuse: A Parent's Guide," inserted in every Boy Scout and Cub Scout handbook. The information in this booklet should be the subject of discussions between Scouts and their parents prior to joining a pack or troop.