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Boy Scout Troop 354
(Dundalk, Maryland)
ScoutLander Contact Our Troop Member Login

Boy Scout Troop 354 - Dundalk, Maryland 21222

Visit to log in.

Once the web page opens, in the "LOGIN FOR EXISTING ACCOUNTS" fields - enter your "USER NAME" & "PASSWORD" all in lower case. USER NAME such as, lastname.firstname.middlename-archbalt
The program should open to the welcome page with your name shown in the upper left.

Click on "UPDATE MY ACCOUNT" - verify your personal information (make corrections or fill in uncompleted fields).

Preform a "SAVE"

Select as your "PRIMARY LOCATION" as "Our Lady of Hope (Baltimore)" (if you're an employee of the school, select "Our Lady of Hope -St Luke School (Baltimore)" as "PRIMARY LOCATION" & add "Our Lady of Hope (Baltimore)" as an additional location.

Employee should add "ROLE" " Substantial contact w/children" as well.

Preform a "SAVE"

Select your "ROLE" - "Volunteer with Substantial Contact with Children"

Perform a "SAVE"


Select " If you would like to register for additional upcoming training sessions click here"

Select "Protecting God's Children Online Awareness Session 3.0"

Then you follow the question & videos to the end (13 questions)

At the end of the session "PRINT CERTIFICATE"

Close the page

Select "TRAINING REPORT" - print and save each