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Sea Scouts Ship 459
(Mt. Holly, North Carolina)
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Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships


Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships Training (ILSS) is an interactive program forSkippers to provide newly elected and appointed Sea Scouts with initial training on theirresponsibilities, and to equip them with leadership and management abilities to effectivelyrun their ship. Shortly after the ship’s annual election, it’s strongly recommended theSkipper facilitate this training along with the mate and ship’s youth leadership, collectivelyknown as the quarterdeck. 

ILSS is the first course for Sea Scouts in the leadership continuum training, and it replacesthe former Venturing Leadership Skills Course. 

Completion of ILSS is recommended for SeaScouts to participate in the more advanced leader courses such as 
Sea Scout AdvancedLeadership (SEAL) training, National Youth Leader Training (NYLT), and the NationalAdvanced Youth Leader Experience (NAYLE). 

It is also required for Kodiak.Leadership in Sea ScoutsYouth-led activities and events are a vital character development component of theScouting program, and by accepting a leadership role, Sea Scouts become committed tolearning and developing their leadership and management abilities that will serve them forthe rest of their lives. 

Additionally, Sea Scout ship activities and events provide fellowship and opportunities tolearn new skills, and are FUN! 

To achieve these goals, the quarterdeck assumes many rolesfor their ship to run smoothly and effectively. 

These activities include: 
• Organizing the ship. 
• Planning and organizing ship meetings, activities, and events 
• Planning for the ship to participate in council, regional, and national activities 
• Planning and conducting training for members of the ship 
• Planning for the ship’s annual superactivity, such as the long cruise 
• Promoting and developing the ship’s advancement program 
• Teaching seamanship and outdoor craft skills, sports, and aquatics 
• Ensuring the ship’s safety during meetings, events, and outings 
• Handling the ship’s finances and logistics
 • Empowering other Sea Scouts to fully take advantage of their own leadershipopportunities 
• Encouraging the ship’s members to seek out new ways to recruit new youthmembers 

The badge of office presented to a Sea Scout who accepted a position of shipleadership does not automatically make him or her trained and a good leader.

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS)

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS)

ILSS is intended to help Sea Scouts in leadership positions within their ship understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities.

 ILSS replaces the Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) and is a prerequisite for Sea Scouts to participate in the more advanced leadership courses (i.e., National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) and the Kodiak Challenge)

Icon File Name Comment  
ILSS Syllabus 420-010 10-2011.pdf.pdf