Patrols are the building blocks of Scouting. As a member of a Patrol, you plan together, learn together, and all of the Scouts pitch in to turn exciting plans into action. Patrols, generally made up of 6-8 boys, are such an important part of Scouting that a part of each Troop meeting is usually set aside for each Patrol to meet by itself. Your Troop will elect some of its members to serve as Patrol Leaders. The Patrol Leader is in charge of the Patrol at Troop meetings and during outdoor adventures, and he represents the Patrol on the Patrol Leaders' Council. While there is only one Patrol Leader, every member of a Patrol shares the duties of leadership. You could be the one who finds the way on a hike, who is the chief cook in camp, or who teaches other Scouts how to tie a knot. The New Scout Patrol is a group of boys who have just become Scouts. They are helped by the Troop Guides -- older, experienced Scouts who can show the way. Members of a New Scout Patrol plan what they want to do, and take part in outings and Troop meetings just like any Patrol. They also learn the basic skills they need in order to enjoy hiking, camping, and other Scout adventures. Before long, members of a New Scout Patrol will discover that they are passing many of the requirements for the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. Senior Patrol Leader. This is the top boy leader of a Troop and is elected by all of the Scouts. With guidance from the Scoutmaster, he is in charge of Troop meetings and the Patrol Leaders' Council, and does all he can to see that the Patrols succeed. Patrol Leaders Council. The activities of your Troop are planned by a patrol leaders council (PLC) made up of your Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leaders, other Troop Leaders and the Scoutmaster. The PLC discusses future meetings and outings for the whole Troop. Your Patrol Leader's responsibility is to share the ideas that have come from you and other Scouts in your Patrol to the PLC and to report back decisions made by the PLC back to you and the Patrol. Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster is the main adult leader of your Troop. He is in charge of training the Senior Patrol Leader, advising the Patrol Leaders' Council, meeting with each boy as they are ready for advancement (Scoutmaster Conference), and directing the activities of the various Assistant Scoutmasters. Troop Meetings. Troop 49 meets every Monday from 6:45 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at the Mayflower Congregational Church, 207 Main Street, Kingston. In addition, there may be separate patrol meetings to prepare for an activity for a monthly outdoor activity such as a campout, and a number of service projects. During the Troop meetings, Adult Leaders, and Parents, meet to support the success of the Troop, and discuss Troop activities. Adult Leaders, and parent support, is essential to the success of the Troop! | Information for the Parents
TROOP ACTIVITIES Weekly Troop Meetings -
The Troop is scheduled to meet every Monday night at Mayflower Congregational Church, 207 Main Street, Kingston, at 6:45pm. (Scouts are required to be in full "Class A" uniform, with Scout Handbook, Pen & Paper) -
The Troop works on rank advancement, trip and event planning, merit badges, community service projects, and other Scout activities. -
Scouts are not penalized for missed meetings, however, Scout's advancement may be delayed by missed meetings, or requirements. Trips, Community Service Projects and Other Scouting Activities -
The Troop schedules multiple events each month, including trips and community service projects. Many of these trips and projects are designed to provide rank advancement activities, and to serve the community. -
The Troop also provides safety and first aid training as part of rank advancement. -
Eagle service projects also provide a way for scouts to serve the community. These projects are scheduled on various weekends during the year depending on the number of Eagle candidates and project timing. Scouts are strongly encouraged to participate in Eagle projects organized by Eagle candidates. Summer Camp -
Scouts are expected to attend summer camp for one week (more if they wish). Camp is a fun and rewarding experience which also provides merit badge instruction along with instruction in other scouting skills. Troop 49 historically attends Camp Squanto in Plymouth during the fourth week in July. -
Missed camp may delay advancement because certain merit badges may be difficult to complete outside of summer camp. Many Scouts state, that Summer Camp is their favorite event every year! ROLES – SCOUTS AND PARENTS
To realize the greatest benefits from the scouting program, Scouts will regularly attend Troop meetings and other Troop activities, advance in rank and earn merit badges. Scouts are expected to follow the scouting principles at all times.
Troop Committee
A group of dedicated, selfless, volunteer Leaders, interested in benefitting, supporting, and furthering the success of the Troop. These Leaders commit for your son, their son, and everyone. The Committee is the 'backbone structure' that supports the Troop. Because of this commitment, the strength, and camaraderie is strong! The commitment of the Committee helps the Troop thrive, and is evident, by the numerous Eagle Scouts that have soared from Troop 49! Parents -
are critical, and essential, to the success of the Scouts, and of the Troop. Our Troop’s goal is 100% parent participation in Troop roles and activities designed to provide many enjoyable and rewarding experiences with your Scout(s) and with the Troop. -
are needed to support and coach the Scouts, and to enhance the Scout experience. -
are strongly urged to attend overnight, and other trips, help with trip logistics (e.g. food, transport, equipment), and participate in community service and Eagle projects. -
are strongly urged to volunteer in Troop Adult Leader positions (Coordinators, Fundraisers, Merit Badge Counselors, Advancement, award dinners, etc.). -
are strongly urged to “shadow” or to be “in-training” for Troop roles to replace parents of graduating scouts. -
are strongly urged to attend Courts of Honor and Eagle Award dinners. Parents often bond, and enjoy the Troop experience, as much as the Scouts! Be involved, make a positive difference, and support the life of our Scouts! ADVANCEMENT
Rank -
A Scout has the opportunity to progress through levels from the entering Scout Rank, to Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Star, Life and Eagle. -
Scouts work on rank advancement under the tutelage of the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, other adult leaders, and older Scouts. -
Many Troop activities, including activities during meetings and overnights, are designed to meet rank advancement requirements. These activities include cooking, planning, tool use, fire safety, and orienteering. Merit Badges -
Specific Merit Badges are required to advance in rank. In addition, Merit Badges are initiated by a Scout’s interest and are intended to develop skills and allow for career and vocational exploration. Merit Badge courses are led by counselors who come from within the Troop and the community. Parents are important volunteers, and as counselors. -
Merit Badges are earned at Troop meetings, at Summer Camp, and at Merit Badge colleges. Advancement Process -
After a Scout completes all requirements for advancement in rank, he will arrange for a Scoutmaster Conference with the Scoutmaster. -
If the Scoutmaster Conference is successful, the Scout will schedule a Board of Review with the Advancement Chair. -
The Board of Review consists of adults associated with the Troop. The Board will question the Scout in an interview format, and determine with the Scout whether advancement requirements have been met. The Board will also discuss the Scout’s experiences in the Troop in general. -
Formal recognition of rank advancement and Merit Badge awards are made at Courts of Honor, held at the end of the month, at Troop meetings. SCOUT HANDBOOK
The handbook is an important reference guide developed as the result of many years of scouting experience. You and your Scout should read the handbook regularly for information including scouting skill development, scouting principles, and rank requirements. The handbook also contains the written record of the Scout’s rank advancement because Scout Leaders sign off on rank requirements in the Scout handbook. Each scout must bring his handbook to weekly Troop meetings and the Scout’s Boards of Review. The handbook should be kept in top physical condition as it will accompany the Scout throughout his scouting career.
Learning scouting skills, principles, and values. -
Developing leadership skills, organizational skills, teamwork skills, work ethic, and camaraderie. -
Community Service. -
Individual growth - each Scout progresses according to his ability. -
A balance of fun, adventure, and safety. -
A strong Troop community.
File Name
Merit Badge Counselor Application.pdf |
Merit Badge Counselor Application |
Troop Resource Survey.pdf |
Troop Resource Survey |
Adult Volunteering
Often parents of new Scouts look for a spot to fit in. Sometimes those parents aren’t interested in the camping, or being actively involved in the day to day running of the Troop, but still would like to find a place in the Troop. We have a saying: if everyone does a little, then no one does a lot. All the adults you see at meetings are all volunteers, and are happy for added support! You’ll notice at Scout meeting nights, most adults will "hang out" in the back half of the room. Some of it is socializing, and much of it is sharing information with each other and getting the “behind-the-scenes” stuff done. Here are some specific ways you might think about volunteering:Any time a Scout has completed the requirements for a rank advancement, and requests a Board of Review, the Troop needs several adults unrelated to the Scout to sit in on a Board of Review. By sitting in on a Board of Review, you will better understand the Board of Review experience for the Scout, and you will get to know other Scouts in the Troop, and you will be better able to help your son prepare for his next Board of Review. The person who sets up the Board of Review (BOR), will balance the level of experience, so you won’t need to feel like you need to be an expert in scouting.
Another way to volunteer, is to become a Merit Badge Counselor. Registering to be a MB Counselor, is as easy as completing an application, and explaining why you would like to take on this role. You also must attend Merit Badge Counselor training, and if you have a particular hobby, experience, talent, or interest you could look at the list of merit badges on Meritbadge.org to see if there is a merit badge that fits. Another idea is to look at the list of Merit Badge Counselors to see if there is a merit badge that does not have a Counselor, and then determine if this particular badge holds an interest to you. If this is your first time being a Merit Badge Counselor, there are many adults who would be happy to walk you through, how to work with the Scouts, to complete a merit badge. Now, if you are the person who likes camping, know that you are welcome to join the Scouts on the monthly campouts. You will find that the other adults are a great group to camp with, and the campouts are a very enjoyable time. To give you an example of how important parents are to the boys succeeding, my son’s Patrol had one parent in particular who camped every campout with the boys. While he didn’t at the time have any type of specific leadership role, he was always available to drive the boys, and he was always checking in with the Patrol as to how things were going. He was great at giving them independence while also helping them problem solve, and was good at giving them packing advice. He really got to know each boy. I am confident that this entire Patrol may not have stuck together, and have every single one of them complete his Eagle Rank if not for this dad “gluing” them all together.
Of course these ideas are just a start, and there are many more ways to volunteer within the Troop. If you have an idea of a way you can help, or want to help but just don’t know how, just ask any leader. We are always happy to have more help!